Small Historical Route For The Kitchen | Royal Homes

A small historical route for the kitchen

The kitchen was originally a work space inside or outside the home, virtually insulated and was the room for the staff. Over the years, the kitchen changed shape, was integrated into the home and is now designed as the main use area. Often the kitchen is also a meeting point for the family when the daily dining area is part of it.

We place the kitchen on the northeast or northwest side of the house and have a direct relationship with the garden and the ground floor. There must also be visual contact with the garden door, the entrance to the house, the terrace and the children’s playground. Internally, the kitchen must have good contact with the vestibule, dining room and ancillary rooms.


The location of your kitchen is important!

The kitchen is the home of the housewife for a long time of the day and must therefore have direct or indirect contact with most areas.

In order for the kitchen to be functional, we must provide a basis for its layout. So we make sure that we have small “routes”, we make a good correlation, that is, between the sink, the kitchen and the refrigerator. So that we have a smooth workflow. Because we also need enough space to move comfortably. Placing cabinets, workbenches and equipment in the correct order so that we save time in our work.

Small Historical Route For The Kitchen
Small Historical Route For The Kitchen

Furniture and good design

In the market there is a great variety and we can find a large number of built-in furniture for kitchens, which are divided into base and wall units, of different sizes and designs depending on the design of the kitchen. The next step is to determine the colors and types of wood to use.

See also  How Do You Create a Minimalist Kitchen | Royal Homes

The design of the kitchen is an important part of our home and these are all design requirements and inviolable rules that the designer must take into account, because it is now one of the most important rooms of our home where we spend many hours of the day. .

Taking into account the correctness and functionality of the kitchen in the home, we should not ignore its style and style, that is, the design of the kitchen should be in harmony with the rest of the house.


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