Red Flower Of Callicanthus Shrub You will love | Royal Homes

Looks like calycanthus.

If you are looking for a large shrub for your garden that also has beautiful flowers. calycanthus This is the best choice in your case. Because it is easy to care for, has a beautiful appearance, produces curious flowers, and gives off an intoxicating aroma.

Plus, it’s a sun-loving plant, so it’s a good addition to gardens that get several hours of sun each day, even in summer (if it’s not too hot). . If with these features you already know it might be of interest to you, continue reading to learn more about this shrub and how to care for it.

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Everything you need to know about calycanthus.

What should you know about this shrub?

As we said before, we are talking about a shrub that can reach a large size. It is from North America.

Within its original space we can. Find it in a wide variety of habitats, from humid forests to sunny slopes., because it has a great adaptability. It can live in a variety of soils and withstand very different weather conditions, always looking its best.

Precisely in its native place, in North America, the calycanthus is a highly prized species, as it has been used by native tribes for medicinal and ceremonial purposes for centuries.

but, Due to its great beauty, it has also conquered gardening lovers. And it is becoming more and more common to see it in all kinds of gardens because, in addition, it is a very easy shrub to care for.

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Another feature that we should highlight is that it is very resistant and durable. If you plant it in your home and take good care of it. You can enjoy it for decades.

As a trait, keep in mind that this is a plant that is primarily pollinated by beetles. So don’t be surprised if you see them near your plant, pLet them do their job, because they are contributing to the betterment of the environment.

What are the physical characteristics of Calycanthus?

Characteristics you should recognize about calycanthus.

Many shrubs look similar to each other, especially if we see them at a time when they have no leaves. But Each of them has special characteristics What makes it unique, and in the case of calycanthus are the following:

  • Leaves and leaves. We appreciate the first distinguishing feature of this shrub when looking at its leaves, as they are opposite to the stem, which gives the plant symmetry. With a shape that can range from oblong to oval. The margins are entire and have a glossy dark green color.
  • the flower. Of course, the most amazing thing about this plant is its flowers. It does not have petals but waxy tepals that surround the center of the flower. These tepals are usually deep red, but in some cases they can be almost brown. Flowering occurs between spring and early summer.
  • Height It is a tall shrub, as it can grow between two and four meters tall, which is higher than other similar species.
  • Compact structure. The growth of branches and foliage gives the calycanthus a fairly compact structure, with the branches joining each other gracefully, creating a rounded and symmetrical structure.
  • The cortex The bark of this shrub is also of interest, as it can vary from brown to light gray in color. When it peels, which it usually does, it adds even more visual interest to the plant.
  • fruit. After flowering, the bush produces fruits, although they are not very spectacular, attracting attention. Within them we can find seeds to reproduce calycanthus.
  • fragrance A prominent feature of this plant is the enveloping and fragrant aroma from its leaves and flowers.
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Basic calycanthus care

Take care of your bush.

If you take good care of this shrub, it will reward you with the beauty of its flowers and its irresistible aroma, so it is a good deal. Keeping it at home for decades and decades, You can follow these maintenance tips:

Lighting conditions

This shrub likes full to partial light, and grows well in locations where it receives indirect sunlight or partial shade. It can also withstand direct sun exposure, But if we are in particularly hot areas, we should be careful with the leaves may burn.

Planting medium

It is important that the substrate used for this plant has good drainage capacity.

It is also good that the soil is rich in organic matter, so that the bush Can eat the nutrients produced by decomposition. this.

Watering Callicanthus

After planting, and until established, regular watering is essential. Ensuring that the substrate is evenly moist. And never completely dry.

Once it is established, The shrub is resistant to drought, But it’s still beneficial to provide it with moisture to keep it looking its best and growing.

Fertilization requirements

This is not a plant that requires large amounts of nutrients, so fertilization should be fairly moderate. You can add some balanced fertilizer in the spring, Just before the active growing season begins.

Pruning and propagation

You can harvest annuals in early spring.  Additionally, at any time of the year, you can remove branches that are dead or damaged.

Regarding its propagation, take advantage of the moment of pruning to cut the branches that contain soft wood and thus get new plants. Keep cutting in the rooting hormone for a few days, and Then plant it in a suitable substrate and follow the care we are looking at.

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Winter protection

If you live in an area that gets very cold, be careful to add a layer of mulch around the base of the plant before extreme temperatures begin. Although this plant can tolerate cold, Giving it a little extra protection never hurts.

Calycanthus is an original, beautiful and easy-care shrub. Undoubtedly, it is a good choice for your garden. Did you already know it?

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