Drinks after work? We know where to go out and exactly what to drink | Royal Homes

  By mid-October I can say that the routine has returned for good. Among the various fixed points on my agenda, the weekly meeting with my best friend Zoë. It’s kind of like the session with the psychologist. It is rarely postponed. We are both very loyal to it. It is our escape from crazy everyday life. It is our psychotherapy. It’s our entertainment. It’s our way of staying connected.

Where will this meeting take place? As Pisces and Virgo – guess what I am – we seek stability. We are not exactly fans of change. We want our nest. Our meeting place. Our shelter. Every season is different. So this season we didnt have much trouble finding it. This is the most atmospheric roof in Athens. With a breathtaking view with drink and food options that will make you look forward to your next visit there. With vibes that immediately relax you, let you escape and be in the most central part of the capital. At number 18 on the busiest street in the city, Ermou, is the ERMO 18. It’s an all-day terrace with a boho but chic aesthetic, where you can go morning. Evening afternoon for coffee, for brunch or lunch for a glass of wine and chibi chibi.

Although surrounded by a charming urban landscape. The retail space with its wicker armchairs knitted pouffes. White gravel and impressive plants takes us on a journey to the most atmospheric island of the Aegean. And let it be autumn even though we are in the middle of October. Low tables comfortable chairs, everything you need to break down  . Lets use the term  and relax after a crazy day at the office.

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Wednesdays Occasion

The glass of wine I mentioned above wasn’t a random reference at all. At every meeting – you will usually find us there on Wednesdays – we open a bottle of wine. It is caused by the occasion, the conversation and the mood. But not just any wine. “Boutari White Letter” is our favorite. A wine that reminds us to fully enjoy the small pleasures of life. A very aromatic choice whose blend consists of Assyrtiko, Sauvignon Blanc and Malagouzia. Assyrtiko retains the boldness and lemony acidity, the Sauvignon the aromatic character and the Malagouzia the tropical fruit.

The delicious Burrito from his list ERMOU 18 that goes perfectly with a glass of Lefko Gramma wine.

The result A balanced cool and enjoyable wine that will keep you dreaming until the next time you taste it. I remember one time I couldn’t stand it and asked to know more about it. It is not produced in Naoussa, as I thought, where the Boutari wineries have been flourishing for many, many years. Cold Amyntaeo is his place. In fact i learned that the altitude and cold climate of this region allow the grapes. To ripen slowly and develop strong aromas while maintaining high acidity. But I also learned something else. Equally interesting the name “Boutari White Letter”, wants to remind us of the value of the new page in life. The new chance that is given to us every moment.

And since I had a suggestion for the wine, I would also like to suggest the food. The burrito for any possible time of the day and the croque madam, if it is a morning lunch, are ideal choices that will drive your taste buds crazy. Believe me! Especially if you combine these dishes with a cool glass of ‘Boutari White Letter’. Have fun!

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