Coffee tables are gems for the living room | Royal Homes

The design of our home, from the most insignificant corner to the most central place, says a lot about our personality, but also about our style and aesthetics. The different items we add to each space work just like the accessories in an outfit: they communicate who we are and what we love. Therefore, the choice of the coffee table itself cannot be made hastily. Take your time, do your research, look at tons of designs before making a purchase.

But the same goes for the styling. He wants attention. It is a winner for your living room, whether you are a maximalist or minimalist. They say that the sofa is the highlight of the living room, but the coffee table also plays an important role in the end result. It should look stylish, but be functional at the same time. It should be quiet, but not extremely empty. The decoration should match the rest of the elements of the room. Time to show it off by following the decorating tips below.

Focus on natural materials

Furniture that looks as if it is made of raw wood is a trend. Bet on such a small table for your living room and decorate it with objects also made of natural materials: a wicker basket, a vase with 2-3 blossoming almond branches, etc.

Limit yourself to the absolute essence

There are also coffee tables that are “decorations”. They look like works of art. You don’t have to load them with a lot. Let them speak for themselves…

Flower power

Flowers and blooming plants and pots are a beautiful touch, sure to cheer you up every morning when you enter the living room. At the same time, they are the ideal color accent if your living room is monochromatic, i.e. one shade moves. White for example.

See also  10 ideas with homemade decorations | Royal Homes

Small but powerful

It may not be the most practical, but thanks to its style and aesthetics it offers a lot to decorate your living room. If you have such a coffee table in your home, don’t add anything to it. There is absolutely no reason. Just to be able to touch your coffee mug in the morning…

Why have one when you can have two?

One of the biggest trends of the year .Or better yet of recent years  are double maybe even triple, coffee tables. You can bet on a set if you want and play with the sizes. Usually one is bigger than the other. You can also play with heights, one perhaps a little higher than the other. However, you have the opportunity to invest in two completely different pieces, which you think will form an unbeatable duo that will stand out in your living room as soon as they come together.



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